Through your generous donations, we become the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Thank you for your donation!

Other ways to Give: 1) Mobile App - Download the Church Center App on Android and Apple devices

​                                          2) Text-to-Give  - Text any amount to 84321

Ebenezer will be participating in the Conference’s I Give UMC Campaign which is meant to inspire United Methodists, and others, to honor important individuals who have made a difference in their lives, by making donations to local churches. We invite you to participate and make a donation to Ebenezer in any amount in honor of or in memory of someone who has touched your life. The campaign will run through November 5, All Saints Sunday. You can give as little or as much as you want at any time during this period to honor and/or remember your friends and family. You can download the form here and submit to the church office. Once you complete the form, please give your donation online and select I Give UMC as the fund. Also, please provide a picture of your loved one because at the end of the year, we hope to create a keepsake book of all of the acknowledgments.

You can give using your bank account, debit/credit card, and Apple Pay.
If you've donated before, you can log in to give with a saved payment method.

Click here to play a video to learn how to give on-line.  Click below to make a tax-deductible donation.