Ebenezer United Methodist Church
The role and mission of Ebenezer United Methodist church is to have unlimited visions of an unlimited Savior through whom all things may be accomplished to the glory of God. Standing on the promises of God we will do so:
A congregation of faith
Faith is more than what happens on Sunday mornings. It's a part of who we are, inside and out. At Ebenezer United Methodist Church, we believe in sharing the joy of the gospels daily, and living a life that embodies the spirit of Christ.
Ebenezer is a warm, friendly, Bible-teaching, caring, loving church. We offer a warm welcome to you and your entire family with opportunities to study God's word, discover and develop your spiritual gifts, learn how to share your faith, and worship God in spirit and in truth. You're welcome to join our Christian community at any time. Join us next Sunday and see how our community comes together to praise.
We are a church of faith symbolized by the vine growing out of this tree on our property that takes on the shape of a cross enhanced by the markings on the tree. Only God can do such things.